I stole this from 2 Dogs, 2 Kids and Us blog.....
In the Parenting magazine, they have a monthly article that asks a famous dad a few questions. I thought it would be fun to take the questions and answer them myself. Here goes:
Describe your parenting style in one word: Grateful
Favorite TV family of all time (real or fictional): The Cosby's....got to love that family. Who wouldn't love to have a Dad that is just that crazy?
Last meal you made your family: BBQ pork chops, corn on the cob, and stuffing out of a box.
Craziest thing you've done while sleep-deprived: I'm sleep deprived every day....today I'm going on about 3 hours of sleep. Does calling your children every one of the other kids names but their own count?
Favorite subject in school: MATH....Loved all those #'s. Maybe that is why I do accounting work now....still work with LOTS of #'s.
Behavorial/physical trait you hope your children don't inherit from you: my eye sight. I wore glass from the age of 8 until about 10 years ago when I had laser surgery....That was the best money I spent. I hope that all 5 of our kids get their daddy's eye sight. 20/20
Song that best describes your parenting experiences: It Won't Be Like This For Long by Darius Rucker
Last lost toy/object you helped your child find: my 5 years olds wallet.
Best piece of parenting advice you ever got: Enjoy your children, play with them, the laundry, dishes, dusting, etc will all wait but your children won't....they grow way too fast!
First word that pops into your head when we say "mom": BLESSED
There are other mommy bloggers out there, how would you answer these questions?