Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stubborn Baby Halbert

I am at 38 weeks 3 days pregnant. We made a trip to the hospital on Monday morning only to be released and sent home to wait. I'm dilated to a 3 and 50% effaced but my contractions aren't strong enough or close enough to make me progress any farther. UGH! I'm ready but then again I'm not. I like feeling the baby moving inside and know that I will miss that once the baby is actually here. I go back to the dr on Friday. We will see if I have progressed any farther at that dr visit unless this baby would decide to arrive before then. Time will tell. Think Mike is ready for the baby to be here. He texts me throughout the day asking if it is time yet. So, far all I can say is not yet. Hope to blog more once the baby arrives and I'm home during the day.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I'm anxious to hear all about Baby Halbert...I voted boy!